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Welcome to the Information, Documentation and Bibliographic Resources Center

The Unit's mandate is to satisfy information and documentation needs related to its academic, teaching or research activities, through the provision of printed, digital or multimedia resources.

It offers various library services, such as the loan of printed bibliographic material from its own collection or from available interlibrary services and access to digital resources, among others, aimed at the university community (students, professors, researchers, interns, administrative employees, residents). , strategic partners, external researchers, visitors and the community in general.

Academic integrity in postgraduate higher education is a critical success factor, not only to assess the performance and compliance of the people directly involved in the teaching-learning process (students, teachers, researchers, among others), but it is also related with the process of elaboration, development and validation of the means and instruments used to promote it, the educational model, the policies and commitments established regarding academic integrity and institutional management as a whole. According to Turnitin (2021), collusion, copying and pasting, alteration of sources, paraphrasing without attribution and falsification of data are examples of common behaviors that generate non-original work.

The UCI has established in its internal regulations that fraud and academic plagiarism are very serious offenses, automatic triggers of disciplinary processes. However, he agrees with Lee (2022) that fear of disciplinary action should not be the only reason to avoid these bad practices. On the contrary, bringing academic integrity practices closer to all people involved must be part of the general and permanent educational intention of the University to consolidate a community dedicated to learning and the exchange of ideas, guarantor of essential values ​​such as honesty, respect and responsibility (Holden, Norris and Kuhlmeier, 2021) as well as mitigation mechanisms for the academic reputation risks involved.

The UCI adopts, enhances and regenerates a series of good practices, which seek to promote academic integrity and reduce the associated risks, in order to form a culture of academic and research integrity. For example, the following:

1. Mandatory due attribution and recognition of authorship of people or organizations.
2. Adoption of good practice frameworks, such as the COPE editorial standards to promote transparency in academic publishing.
3. Ensure the updating of institutional regulations and applicable general policies.
4. Promote the adoption of good practices among stakeholders.
5. Promote respect, joint work and fair treatment, without distinction or discrimination, of the members of the learning and practice communities.
6. Promote the use of computer and ICT facilities in general to promote and strengthen individual and collaborative digital skills.
7. Periodical publications involving peer reviews.
Documentary database section in Open Access

Below is a selection of multidisciplinary databases that allow free digital access to research articles, specialized journals, books, theses, among other format options. The Unit's mandate is to satisfy information and documentation needs related to its academic, teaching or research activities, through the provision of printed, digital or multimedia resources.

It offers various library services, such as the loan of printed bibliographic material from its own collection or from available interlibrary services and access to digital resources, among others, aimed at the university community (students, professors, researchers, interns, administrative employees, residents). , strategic partners, external researchers, visitors and the community in general. We consider this approach as a viable, democratic and inclusive mechanism.

Open Access Directories: Exploring the World of Open Access

Magazines - Periodicals: Exploring magazines and periodicals in Open Access Directories.

Thesis and Dissertation Repositories: Exploring Academic Knowledge

General digital libraries: Exploring knowledge without borders

UCI Journals


The first issue of REGENERATIO is made up of seven articles, contributions from academics linked to UCI and Costa Rica Regenerativa. We invite you to read them, share them and comment on them.


After ten years of felt absence, we are witnessing the relaunch of the IVSTITIA Legal Review, now in the digital space of specialized publications of the UCI.

Institutional regulations

  • Environmental policy
  • Spanish code of ethics
  • English code of ethics
  • Academic Regime Regulations
  • Teaching Regime Regulations
  • Student Rules and Regulations
  • Student Scholarship Regulations
  • Regulations for Final Graduation Projects
  • Regulations of the Information, Documentation and Bibliographic Resources Center
  • Final Graduation Project Charter
  • Final Graduation Project template
  • Teaching - Learning Contract MPM
OMEKA and PFG Library
OMEKA Repository
Careers and courses
Consult UCI bibliographic documents
PFG Summaries
Consult Final UCI graduation projects

Frequent questions

  • Does UCI have official recognition of studies in Costa Rica for the undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered?
  • What is the focus of UCI's educational model?
  • How many hours of study should I dedicate weekly for a Master's degree?
  • If I require technical assistance or process a complaint, is there an information system that allows me to do so?
  • Where can I access the internal regulations and general policies related to the academic regime of students?
  • Do I have to take any admission exam at the UCI?
  • Is there a general Admission Guide for students?
  • Can foreigners be admitted to the ICU?
  • What documents should I attach to my admission application?
  • What is the minimum validity of the identity document to be presented?
  • Can I enroll in a UCI Master's degree without having a University Baccalaureate or Bachelor's degree?
  • Is my country adhered to the Hague Apostille Convention?
  • How to validate the professional diploma (title) of a foreign person as an entry requirement for a postgraduate degree at UCI?
  • Why do I have to demonstrate instrumental mastery of a foreign language, in addition to my native language, to enroll in a master's degree?
  • What language skills must the student demonstrate at MCRL level B1 to enroll in a Master's degree?
  • What type of instruments or certificates should I present to prove mastery of an additional foreign language?
  • Does UCI have a scholarship system?
  • Are UCI formal education diplomas recognized in other countries?
  • If I live abroad, how can I claim my diploma?
  • What are the minimum technical requirements to participate in a virtual program?
  • How does the interaction occur between people who participate in virtual programs?

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